Nuestro “corralito”

Dice el óraculo Paul Krugman que España tiene muchas opciones de terminar con un corralito estilo Argentina (aquí lo tienen traducido por Nacho Escolar si la lengua de Shakespeare les resulta complicada).

Tal y como están las cosas con Argentina no es plan de expropiarles el término “corralito”. Además en España quedan ya pocas gallinas y todo eso nos parece muy ajeno. Así que abrimos en este blog una encuesta para elegir el nombre de nuestro futuro “corralito”. Voten por el suyo y sugieran en los comentarios aquel que se les ocurra.

¿Como quieres que se llame nuestro "corralito"?

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3 thoughts on “Nuestro “corralito”

  1. Duwie says:

    -¡Papá! ¿A dónde se va el dinero cuando muere?
    -Al bolsillo de los banqueros, hijita, ellos se compran mansiones y le dan nueva vida…

  2. Argentina is an interesting case study at the moenmt. You are correct – the government is stopping citizens from buying dollars on the black market (read free market ) and also restricting and in most cases making it impossible to buy US dollars legally with the local peso. The politicians are claiming that only a small group of people have anything to do with the dollar, all other Argentines don’t have anything to do with it. True patriots use the peso, “we have to support Argentina at this difficult time” they say.Well in today’s edition of La Nacion, they investigate the peso and dollar holdings of the each of the leading politicians in Argentina. in the La Nacion shows that most of these politicians hold their cash in US dollars not pesos. You should be able to figure out how the chart works and what it means.The people are very unhappy!!

  3. Argentina is an interesting case study at the mnoemt. You are correct – the government is stopping citizens from buying dollars on the black market (read free market ) and also restricting and in most cases making it impossible to buy US dollars legally with the local peso. The politicians are claiming that only a small group of people have anything to do with the dollar, all other Argentines don’t have anything to do with it. True patriots use the peso, “we have to support Argentina at this difficult time” they say.Well in today’s edition of La Nacion, they investigate the peso and dollar holdings of the each of the leading politicians in Argentina. in the La Nacion shows that most of these politicians hold their cash in US dollars not pesos. You should be able to figure out how the chart works and what it means.The people are very unhappy!!

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